• From Harvest

    Each item in the Iskashop starts as a fruit on a tree in Tucson. It is then harvested by Iskashitaa volunteers. This is fruit that would have otherwise gone to waste if it had not been harvested by us.

    *Most of this fruit goes to refugees and other food insecure people and a small amount goes towards Iskashop products*

  • To Kitchen

    After the fruit has been harvested we host a monthly Food Preservation Workshop where we make all of our Iskashop products. Here we teach the fundamentals of canning and food preservation along with knowledge around local food and its uses.

  • To Iskashop

    After the products are processed, they are labeled, photographed and uploaded onto this site for you to enjoy. When you buy a product from the Iskashop you are helping to reduce food waste, increase food security, and improve our local food system.

    The money made from this shop goes directly back into our harvesting program so that we can continue to do this work.